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...What if Nikola Tesla had been a musician or a juggler? REX is a show inspired by the figure of the scientist Tesla.
A water sampler activated by the audience, people electrically transformed into musical instruments, juggling with high-pressure fluorescent water, manipulation of sticks and lots of talcum powder for an intimate show, where live music and manipulation of objects are the language of a surprising journey

REX is a show with dreamlike tones. The intimate atmosphere lets the viewer enter a new environment where there is no longer a boundary between performer and spectator.
It is suitable for all ages and international audiences.

Schermata 2019-02-11 alle 12.30.30


REX chilowatt spruzzi


Schermata 2019-02-11 alle 12.31.13

Schermata 2018-05-05 alle 11.33.50


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